
Revisions for the book “Symbiotic Psychology: The Synergy Between Mind, Body, Emotions, and Consciousness.”

1.  14-09-06: 8.0 Conclusion; rewrote last sentence

2.  14-09-09: 8.0 Conclusion; rewrote

3.  14-09-28: 1.0-8.0; major rewrite

4. 14-10-31: 1.0-8.0; finished 1st editing

5. 14-11-21: 5.0; added last paragraph

6. 15-01-29: 7.0; rewrote

7. 15-10-14: 1.0; rewrote introduction; changed email address

8. 15-11-02: 1.0-8.0; major editing (grammar issues, sentence construction)

9. 15-11-08: 1.0-8.0; rewrote section 4.0, 1.0-8.0 editing (grammar issues, sentence construction)

10. 15-11-12: 1.0-8.0; editing (grammar issues, some word structure)

11. 15-12-15: added section 9.0 Mental-Emotional Therapy

12. 15-12-21: rewrote section 9.0 Mental-Emotional Therapy

13. 15-12-25: 9.0; editing (grammar issues, sentence construction)

14. 17-01-28: completely rewrote paper to Cognitive-Emotional Therapy; A Personnel Experience

15. 17-02-21: editing of some sentence structure; name change to: Cognitive-Emotional Therapy; Emotions Regulating Cognition

16. 17-03-03: general editing, added to 1.0 Abstract

17. 17-03-04: general editing sections 1-6

18. 17-03-08: general editing sections 1&3

19. 17-03-13: rewrote/Section 7/ The Wisdom of Champions; Let Joy Reign

20. 17-03-17: general overall editing

20. 17-03-21: general overall editing/sentence structure, word usage/added word doc download

21. 17-03-26: Section 01-para 03; reworded with “healthy and successful”

22. 17-03-26: Section 01-para 03; reworded with “healthy,successful and environmentally adaptive”

23. 17-03-28: Section 01-para 07; reworded with “a third that inhibits or stops and freezes action.”

24. 17-04-16: Section 09-para 03; rewrote last paragraph

25. 17-05-02: added preface letter

26. 17-09-14: changed “emotions regulating cognition” to “emotions guiding cognition”

27. 2018-03-21: complete rewrite, changed name to “Symbiotic Psychology”

28. 2018-03-27a: added the Three Postulates of Symbiotic Psychology

29. 2018-03-27b: reformatted paper

30. 2018-04-01a-c: more general editing

31. 2018-07-10a-b:  general rewriting and editing, Sections 1-6

32. 2018-09-19a: removed “Be Your Own Super Hero” essay, reworked Abstract 1.0, some general editing

33. 2018-09-24 a-c: re-added “Be Your Own Super Hero” essay, also re-edited in ‘reptilian and mammalian modes of flight, fright, or freeze’

34. 2018-09-26a: changed wording in abstract; substituted F,F,F,  with a representation of reality

35. 2018-11-19a: re-added “Be Your Own Super Hero” essay, added Preface, Contents

35. 2018-11-22a: edited a couple words in Preface

36. 2018-12-05a-c: added Section 9.0 and Appendix: Hell on Earth (As Is Heaven): My Story, A Cognitive Reconstruction Between Emotions and Meditation

37. 2018-12-08a: rewrote Section 9.0

38. 2018-12-10a: edited 4 Postulates

39. 2018-12-30a,b:re-edited whole paper

40. 2019-01-21a: final edit

41. 2019-02-17: rewrote Section 7.6 The Wisdom of a Champion: Let Joy Reign

42. 2019-02-22: reorganized Section 7.6 The Wisdom of a Champion: Let Joy Reign

43. 2019-03-06: added Neuro-Linguistics-Programing and Centerness Therapy to appendix,  My Story

44. 2019-03-18: added ” or ignored” to phrase in Section6.2 Masking Neurological Processes

45. 2019-03-24a: added Emotions: The Linguistics of Science and Shakespeare

46: 2019-03-31a: Section 6.1 added “…any attempt to understand and effect the internal human environment…..”

47: 2019-03-03a: moved Escape from Alcatraz from Appendix to 4th letter, Dear Researchers.

48: 2019-04-04a: added “any attempt to understand and affect…” to Dear Researcher Letter.  plus added to nature of emotions- ‘and their biology’.

49: 2019-04-08a: added “to  Walk within God is to Walk within Joy”.

50: 2019-04-10a,b,c: added “and cognition” to “Dear Researchers” intro and “decisions made” after “deliberations”. Changed “Super Hero” to Superhero and “Tool Kit” to toolkit.

51: 2019-04-13a: added “and within any Evidence Based Interventions (EBI) based on a cognitive-emotional correlation.” in Shakespeare letter

52: 2019-04-13b,c: “super-hero” to superhero; section 3.0: “Or” to or.

53: 2019-04-21a: added subsection: “7.2 Trauma and Addiction Corrupting the Cognitive-Emotional Relationship”

54: 2019-05-01a: added letter: “Dear School Board Member”

55: 2019-05-08a: added letter: “Dear Athlete”, reformatted book by adding “Parts 1, 2, 3”

56: 2019-05-10a-b: edited beginning of “Dear Researcher” letter. edited “Dear Board of Education” letter

57: 2019-05-14a: edited “Dear Athlete” letter.

58: 2019-05-20b: added “Dear Student” letter

59: 2019-05-21a: edited “Dear Student” letter

60: 2019-07-16a: edited “Dear Student” and “Dear Athlete letters”; added “Do not fixate….”

61: 2019-07-18a: edited Table of Contents

62: 2019-07-19a: edited “Dear Student”

63: 2019-07-24a: general editing/cleaning up

64: 2019-08-04a: added letter: “Dear Friend”, added 5th Postulate: “Intention Calibrates Emotional Guidance”

65: 2019-08-06a: Renamed 5th Postulate: “Intent Gives Definition to Emotional Guidance” and refined its meaning

66: 2019-08-09a: general editing/rewording

67: 2019-08-15a: rewrote “Dear Board of Education”

68: 2019-08-17a,b: edited “Dear Board of Education”

69: 2019-08-29a: reordered “Letters”

70: 2019-10-10a: added “Public Awareness Announcement”

71: 2019-10-10b: Changed “My Story” to “Memoir” and added the farm life

72: 2019-10-20a,b: Edited PHAA and Memoir; added Forward

73: 2019-10-20c:  edited PHAA

74: 2019-10-23a:  edited PHAA

74: 2019-10-28a:  edited PHAA

75: 2019-11-10a: added “Dear Scientific Community”; general editing all around

76: 2019-11-10b,c,d: edited “Dear Scientific Community”

77: 2019-11-20a: changed; “neuro-networks/circuits”  to neural networks/circuits and physiological biochemistry to biochemical physiology

78: 2019-11-23a,b: added letters: “To Human Rights Activists”, “To Neuroimaging Researchers”; changed “Scientific Community” to “To Psychology/Linguistic Communities”.

79: 2019-11-26a;  edited “To Neuroimaging Researchers”

80:2019-11-26b,c; some general editing

81: 2019-12-05a: changed physiological biochemistry to biochemical physiology. Edited “Emotion/Feeling” definition.  General editing.

82: 2020-01-17a: added “Dear Psychological and Internal Medicine Communities.”  Edited Section7.2 Trauma and Addiction.

83: 2020-01-23a: Edited “Emotion and Feeling” definition

84: 2020-01-25a: general reformatting, removed “Perceived” from defining emotions as a “perceived effect”

85: 2020-02-28a: Added “Emotional Guidance Theory: Cognition as Cause and Emotions as Effect” and changed title of “Emotion and Feeling” definition to “Emotional Guidance Theory”.

86: 2020-02-28b: edited “Dear Athlete”

87: 2020-03-12a: find and change; “biochemical and physiological” to “biochemical/physiological” or to a “biochemical physiology”; added revision table

88: 2020-03-17a: add table and feeling good/bad significance to Emotion Guidance Theory

89: 2020-03-20a: edited Emotion Guidance Theory flow chart and text

90: 2020-03-21a: edited Emotion Guidance Theory flow chart

91: 2020-04-02a: rewrote Section 8: “Cognitive Emotional Therapy”

92: 2020-04-12a: re-wrote parts and added to Emotional Guidance Theory

93: 2020-04-15a: reformatted, added/edited to “Emotional Guidance Theory”, removed “said-same” from sentence structures.

94: 2020-04-22a: reformatted, added/edited to “Emotional Guidance Theory

95: 2020-04-26a: added Gross’s Cognitive control processes to EGT Process Flow Chart

96: 2020-05-20a: changed “Emotional Guidance Theory” to “Emotion-as-Effect Theory” – copyright issues.” Added to and edited “Emotions-as-Effect Theory: The Linguistic Semantics of Emotional vs. Cognitive Regulation.

97: 2020-05-20b: simple word edit in Emotions-as-Effect Theory

98: 2020-06-22a: inserted photo and bio-blurb on back page

99: 2020-07-01a: replaced Emotions-as-Effect Theory rev20-06-22a with edited (AJE) rev20-07-01a

100: 2020-07-09: replaced some “emotional guidance” with “emotions-as-effect” system, updated Table of Context page numbers

101: 2020-07-10a: added letters: “Dear Professor” and “Dear Dept. of Psychology”; added AJE editing of “Emotions-as-Effect” and “Memoir: My Story”; replaced “emotional guidance” with “emotional biofeedback” where appropriate.

102: 2020-07-16: added letter: “Dear Psychiatrist”

103: 2020-07-18s: reformatted book

104: 2020-07-22a: added “Dear Dept. of English Letter”

105: 2020-07-23a: added “All Content © Andrew O. Jackson. All Rights Reserved”

106: 2020-07-27a: added letters “Dear Reader” and “Dear Ctr. for E. I.”

107: 2020-07-28a: published by Symbiotic Psychology · P.O. Box 930153 · Verona, WI 53593 USA

108: 2020-07-30a: added context to Section 5: Psychological Therapy

109: 2020-08-02a: added letter “Dear Academic;” in Dedications and Acknowledgements “Jen and their “memoir therapy” class”

110: 2020-08-14a: added “vs. texts of the world’s religions” to “Dear Academic” letter; added copy right notation to Cognitive-Emotional Flow Process Chart.

111: 2020-08-14b: added “Note:” to “Dear Academic” letter.

112: 2020-08-18a: edited “Note:” and added “Justice…” phrase to “Dear Academic” letter

113: 2020-08-21a: edited: “Abstract” in Emotions-as-Effect Theory; body of “Dear Academic” letter

114: 2020-08-25a: edited: subject of “Dear Academic” letter

115: 2020-08-27a: edited: subject of “Dear Academic” letter

116: 2020-08-28a: edited: “Dear Academic” letter; Renamed “Memoir

117: 2020-08-31a: edited: “Dear Academic” letter

118: 2020-10-06a: added to Memoir

119: 2020-10-12a: added “Improving Evidence-Based-Therapies Letter” to “Emotions-as-Effect Theory” publication

120: 2020-10-21a: added to Memoir

120: 2020-10-21a: added to Memoir

121: 2020-10-28a: revised Cognitive-Emotional Process Flow Chart, added  “Burnt-Hand Disease Letter” to Emotions-as-Effect theory

122:  2020-11-01a: general editing; added emotions, moods, and feelings (EMF’s) to list of definition notes; differentiated (Jackson, 2020a) with EaET and (Jackson, 2020b) with Cognitive-Emotional Education…

123: 2020-11-14a: RENAMED PAPER using dysregulation instead of regulation: (Emotions-as-Effect theory: The linguistic semantics of emotional vs. cognitive dysregulation.); edited letters, abstract and reordered opening letter sequence

124: 2020-11-17a:  added process flow diagrams from Gross, Beck, Segal, and Greenberger.

125: 2020-11-19a,b: edited letters; added ‘break the pipeline” to Dear Board of Education Letter”

126: 2020-11-26a: added section 6.5: The New-Republican Party: A Self-Interest of “Me” vs. A Self Interest of “We”

127: 2020-12-09a: in “The greatness of the human life experience” replaced “evolved bio-feedback mechanism” with “emotion”

128: 2021-01-11a:  beta release of “Personal Power of Qi: An Athlete’s Evolutionary Heritage of Strength, Speed, Agility, Cunning, and Success

129: 2021-01-12a: Personal Power of Qi: corrected formatting errors. Changed intro letter to “Dear Coaches, Instructors, Athletes, and Sports Enthusiasts,”

130: 2021-01-14a: Personal Power of Qi: moved Appendix A, B into, and added to, Section 2. General editing

131: 2021-01-16a: Personal Power of Qi: reorganized contents; general editing.

132: 2021-01-18a, b, c:Personal Power of Qi: general editing

133: 2021-01-21a:Personal Power of Qi: rearranged Section 5.3: Cognitive-Emotional Gymnasiums; rewrite of 5.3.4: “Meditation, Mindfulness, and Contemplation”; added “own competition” subject line to Section 1.0: Letter.

134: 2021-01-21b: Personal Power of Qi Added reference note prior to table of contents. Corrected formatting errors.

135: 2021-01-21c: Personal Power of Qi: changed some margins and Table of Contents page numbers; corrected reference appendix B; edited Section 1.0 Letter.

136: 2021-01-31: edited in “Personal Power of Qi (2021-01-21d)” and “Cognitive-Emotional Education (2021-01-31a)” paragraph – “How long will the academic institutions of… ”

137: 2021-02-02a: “Personal Power of Qi…” 2021-02-02a; Edited 5.1 The Synergy Between…; added 5.3.1 Segment Intending and 5.3.2 Mindfulness as separate sub-section of 5.3 Cognitive-Emotional Gymnasium

138: 2021-02-05: Both “Personal Power of Qi…” and “Cognitive-Emotional Education…”: reordered sections, rewrote Section: Segment Intending; corrected “section” references to table of contents

139: 2021-02-15a: general editing; “Personal Power of Qi”…added to “Authors Note”

139: 2021-02-15a, b: general editing; “Personal Power of Qi”…added to “Authors Note”; corrected “dominate” and “dominant” wording

140: 2021-03-01a: “Personal Power of Qi” changed dissidence to dissonance

141: 2021-03-04a, b: added Letter to “Personal Power of Qi”: The Great Debate: Emotional Dysregulation vs. Cognitive Dysregulation; added

142: 2021-03-08a, b: added letter to “Personal Power of Qi”: A Performance Enhancing Behavior; various editing

143: 2021-03-09a, b: edited letter  “Personal Power of Qi”: A Performance Enhancing Behavior

144: 2021-03-10a: changed title of “Dear Coaches…” letter to The Cognitive-Emotional Energy of Qi Behind the Physicality of Forms; edited content

145: 2021-03-10b: added to “Personal Power of Qi”; All of life is Qiqong, the cultivation of energy

146: 2021-03-23a: added to all publications in Letter: The Great Debate; Warning 3

147: 2021-03-24a: edited Warning 3

148: 2021-03-27a: In “Personal Power of Qi...”,  edited both “Dear Coaches” letters

149: 2021-03-30a: added a couple of beginning quotes to all publications

150: 2021-04-15a: added publication “The Cognitive-Emotional Wisdom of Golf”

151: 2021-04-15, 16, 17: edited revisions to clarify

152: 2021-04-19a,b,c: To “The Cognitive-Emotional Wisdom of Golf”: added more clarity to the feeling of knowing and allowing: changed title to include “A Symbiotic Psychology”

153: 2021-04-21: To “The Cognitive-Emotional Wisdom of Golf”: added more clarity to the feeling of knowing and allowing; added reference to Shota Hayafuji

154: 2021-03-31a,b,c: In “Emotions-as-Effect Theory…” reformatted entire document; eliminated letters and incorporated them into the body of the document; Moved most quotes into body; developed and reordered “warnings”

155: 2021-05-05a: In “Emotions-as-Effect Theory…”, incorporated edits from AJE

156: 2021-05-06a: In “Emotions-as-Effect Theory…”, reformatted entire document; eliminated letters and incorporated them into the body of the document; moved most quotes into body; developed, reordered, edited and added to “warnings”

157: 2021-05-07a: In “Emotions-as-Effect Theory…”, updated Figure 5, Cognitive-Emotional Process Flow Chart; corrected some figure reference numbers; edited table of contents page numbers

158: 2021-05-14a: In “Emotions-as-Effect Theory…”, incorporated new edits from AJE

159: 2021-06-15a, b: In “Emotions-as-Effect Theory…”, added Warning 6 to letter “The Great Debate”; added behaviors to Cognitive-Emotional Process Flow Chart; expanded cognitive-emotional reprocessing. In “Personal Power of Qi….”, Added Warning 6 to letter “The Great Debate

160: 2021-06-16a, b: In “Emotions-as-Effect Theory…”, rewrote beginning paragraph of “Defining Emotion as an Effect That Accentuates Behavior”; replaced “reflexive behavior” with “self-indulgent behavior” in Cognitive-Emotional Process Flow Chart; added Section: The Cognitive-Emotional Process Flow. In “Personal Power of Qi….”,  Added “reflexive behavior” with “self-indulgent behavior” to Yinyang Cognitive-Emotional Process Flow Chart; added Section 4.7: Defining Emotion as an Effect (That Accentuates Behavior)

161: 2021-06-17a: In “Emotions-as-Effect Theory…”, added “Author’s Note” to section “Cognitive-Emotional Process Flow” to help clarify the distinction between re-processed behavior and self-indulgent behavior.

162: 2021-06-18a: In “Emotions-as-Effect Theory…”, removed behaviors from Process Flow Chart; Renamed chart Cognitive-Emotional Re-Processing…”; Added a “Simplified Cognitive-Emotional Re-Processing Flow Chart” to include behavior; rearranged sections; modified “Author’s Note” on self-indulgent behavior

163: 2021-06-18b: In “Emotions-as-Effect Theory…”, changed reprocess to re-process; edited figure 6; added bibliography of author’s publications, cover photo description

164: 2021-06-26a, b: In “Emotions-as-Effect Theory…”, modified figure 6; added entertainment mode and re-processing mode of cognitive-emotional behavior to section “Success in Education”; some sentence structure editing

165: 2021-07-02a: In “Emotions-as-Effect Theory…”, added cognitive-emotional development to re-processing diagrams; edited Item 3 in Synopsis

166: 2021-07-05a: In “Personal Power of Qi”, added Figure 2: Simplified Yinyang, Cognitive-Emotional Re-Processing Flow Chart

167: 2021-07-06a: Changed Title to “The Personal Power of Qi…”; reformatted “Cognitive-Emotional Education”; changed from “modulate” to “re-process” cognitive activities

168: 2021-07-08a: In “Emotions-as-Effect Theory…” – abstract: reworded the causal nature of emotions in human behavior by way of cognitive processing/re-processing

169: 2021-07-18a: In “Emotions-as-Effect Theory…”; incorporated engineering process control theory and closed-loop process control as integral to emotions-as-effect theory; added references Palm, W. (2014) and Ogata, K. (2010); added new figure 1 and re-numbered following figures

170: 2021-07-23a, b: In “Emotions-as-Effect Theory…”; added references: Marken, R.S., (2020); Powers, W.T., (2016); Mansell, W., Carey, T.A., Tai, S.J. (2013); corrected table of contents page numbering; added emotional guidance/feedback and cognitive reprocessing to abstract

171:  2021-07-29a, b: In “Emotions-as-Effect Theory…”Changed title to include Emotional Control Theory; adjusted text accordingly; further clarified the linguistic semantics of “emotional control”; now referred to as Emotions-as-Effect and Emotional Control Theory; changed “a-ha” date to late 1993

172: 2021-08-12a:  In “Emotional Control Theory” Updated simplified cognitive-emotional (re-) processing flow charts (figure 1 and figure 7)

173: 2021-08-23a: In “Emotional Control Theory” and “Cognitive-Emotional Education“, corrected heath to health; replaced “wealth” and “prosperity” with the more general and inclusive word “success”; in “Emotional Control Theory“, included “psychological and pharmaceutical therapy” and “health and literary education” in abstract

174: 2021-09-20: See “Revisions” in each individual publication